New Year Round Birchleggings Club Activities Posted! Also see Birchlegger Stories...

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Birchleggings Board Members Get Enjoy My Deals and Membership Renewal Letters out!


The Birchleggings Club Board Members that live in the Twin Cities area came together on January 15, 2024, to send out Enjoy My Deals and Membership Renewal Letters through a mass mailing. Many other board members, including Dave Balsiger, Treasurer and Jim Tenorio, Secretary, assisted with this process. Special thanks to Mindy Ahler, the Regional Coordinator for the Citizens Climate Lobby, for organizing the activity and taking the photograph!

Birchleggings Club Members and Renewing Members, be on the lookout for the mailing! If you do not receive a letter, you can always join or renew your membership by going to the Birchleggings Membership Page. Additionally, learn more about the Birchleggings Enjoy My Deals discount card.

From left to right are Steve Carmazon, Membership Chair; Edward Eroe, Webmaster & Social Media Coordinator; Jim Haubrich, Board Member; Bob Britz, Vice President & Fund Raising Chair; Paul Thompson, President & Birkie Green Chair; and Gus Virkus, Board Member.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Time to Renew Your 2024 Birchleggings Club Membership and Sign up for the 2024 Awards Breakfast!


It is time to renew your 2024 Birchleggings Club Membership and register for the Awards Breakfast on Sunday, February 25, 2024!

Membership information can be found on our Membership Page or at this link:

There is a new easy way to renew and pay now too!

 For information and registration information about the 2024 Birchleggings Club Awards Breakfast, go to Awards Breakfast webpage or to this link:

There is also now a new easy way to register and pay!

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